Hearing Loss


Most of the time, people with hearing loss don’t seek treatment right away. Why? For some, they may not know that they are experiencing hearing loss. For others, unfortunately, it’s often because of the unnecessary “stigma” as-sociated with hearing aids and hearing loss in general.

Here are some hard truths about delaying treatment for hearing loss.

● Hearing actually has less to do with your ears –but— everything to do with your brain.

● Untreated hearing loss is linked to many serious health concerns, includ-ing depression and even dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

● People with untreated hearing loss fall more often

● People with untreated hearing loss are likely to experience trouble with re-lationships at home and work.


Hearing is more than just one of five senses we use to experience the world. Hearing happens within the brain, and if signals aren’t being processed effectively in the brain, it simply doesn’t work as efficiently. Hearing is also the main way we communicate with one another, and when human connection is disrupted, we suffer from loneliness, sadness, even depression. If hearing loss is affecting us at work, it can lead to anger, anxiety, and even jeopardize our livelihood. If it affects us at home, relationships can suffer. At a time when many people are feeling more isolated than ever before, hearing aids can truly make a difference—allowing people with hearing loss to communicate better with friends and family via phone or video conference, as well as stay informed as to the “goings-on” in our community.

Now For Some Good News

The good news is that most hearing loss can be treated with a simple electronic device…you guessed it.

A hearing aid!

However, when people hear the words “hearing aid,” they often visualize a large, clunky, ear attachment that needs to be fiddled with constantly. Thankfully, that’s not the case anymore. Even the most basic of today’s hearing aids pack advanced technology into a relatively small package, and there are numerous options, including hearing aids that are completely hidden in the ear canal.

If you have hearing loss take a moment to ask yourself the following:

  • What makes you look older: wearing a discreet hearing aid or continually asking people to repeat themselves?
  • What is more embarrassing: wearing a low-profile hearing aid or constantly misunderstanding conversations?
  • What makes you feel older: wearing a hardly-noticeable hearing aid or losing your mental acuity because hearing loss is affecting your brain health?
  • What makes you feel incapacitated, wearing a hearing aid, or losing the ability to live independently?

We invite you to push back against the stigma of hearing loss and get your hearing aids sooner rather than later. Wearing hearing aids can keep you socially engaged, mentally sharp, and active in your career or hobbies. It can also improve your relationships and, by protecting your brain, actually keep you younger and healthier longer!

Don’t delay

As is the case with many health conditions, issues with your hearing will not resolve on its own.

In fact, ignoring your hearing loss can be a recipe for disaster that, in most instances, can be avoided.

Contact Mary Ferriera, AuD, to schedule your non invasive pain free hearing test to learn how you can start living a better quality of life.